суббота, 19 мая 2012 г.

Project "Mexico" Zhdanov Roman:


Mexico City - Mexico's capital, political, economic, industrial and cultural center of country. City located almost in the center of the country, on a hill in the southern Mexican highlands, at an altitude of 2234 m above sea level. Mexico - "an open air museum", has kept countless historical and architectural attractions.

Indeed, the number of monuments and unique buildings in Mexico capital can not be compared with any other city in the world. This city is unique ancient culture, which has had a significant influence on the entire world civilization .Location of the city is breathtaking, it is located at the foot of two snow-capped volcanoes, Popocatepetl and Istaksiuatl a height of 5000 meters. The city dotted with traces of the past 650 years, although the pre-Columbian art and architecture for the most part hidden behind the doors of numerous museums, as the conquistadors built their city on the ruins of the ancient Aztec metropolis of Tenochtitlan, which they themselves and destroyed. Instead, there appeared a large number of churches and palaces, built during the colonial era. Mexico deserves the status of a cultural center throughout Latin America. The city has 1400 historical monuments, 80 museums and 10 archaeological sites, a large number of theaters, exhibition halls.

 A tour of Mexico City, you can start from anywhere, but you can not miss the Constitution Square - El Zocalo. This is the second largest area in the world. It was built of stones from the ruined Indian churches. In the heart of Constitution Square is a magnificent column, on top of which is a statue of an angel.

Basilica of the Virgin of Guadalupe - another attraction of the city. On the outskirts of Mexico City is the temple of the Holy Virgin of Guadalupe, the patroness of Mexico is considered.
 Anthropological Museum - one of the most famous and interesting museums in Mexico City, founded in Chapultepec Park. It consists of 26 rooms, which are artifacts of ancient civilizations of Mexico, many art exhibits, among them can be found Aztec solar calendar, funerary masks.

Mexico City was founded in 1325 by Indians, the Aztecs. First, the city was called Tenochtitlan, which is translated from local dialect meaning "house of rock cactus." Due to the high level of air pollution by exhaust gases in the city is constantly hanging over it a thick cloud of smog. However, the sky is high and the sky-blue, especially in spring and summer period. Within a the year in Mexico City regularly observed small tremors that usually do not cause particular concern to local residents and do not cause damage. Sometimes there are more strong earthquakes.
One of the constant attributes of the Mexican capital - street organ-grinders. All of them are licensed by the state and required to wear a special form.

About 40% of Mexico's capital are living below the poverty line. In the slums home to about a third of residents of city .Mexico - a multicultural metropolis, which co-exist side by side old and new traditions. Souvenirs and many other products can be on the trading markets and craft markets in the areas of Coyoacán and San Angel. Exclusive boutiques and shopping malls can be found in luxury areas of Santa Fe and Polanco, who are renowned for comfortable first class hotels and restaurants.


Highlands – нагорье
Altitude – высота
Countless – бесчисленный
Indeed- действительно
Compared – сравнивать
Significant – значительное
Influence – влияние
Entire – формирование
Breathtaking – захватывать дух
snow-capped – покрытых снегом
dotted with – испещрен
traces – следы
hidden – скрываются
Instead – взамен
Appeared – появилось
Deserves – заслуживает
Sites – участки
exhibition halls – выставочные залы
Constitution Square - El Zocalo – площадь Конституции Эль Сокало
Magnificent – величественная
Basilica of the Virgin of Guadalupe – базилика святой девы Гваделупской
Outskirts – окраина
patroness of Mexico is considered – считается покровительницей Мексики
funerary – погребальные
house of rock cactus – дом кактусовой страны
due – по причине
exhaust – выхлопные
thick cloud – густое облако
within – в течении
observed small tremors – отмечаются небольшие подземные толчки
particular concern to local residents – беспокойство местных жителей
earthquakes – землетрясения
organ-grinders – шарманщики
required – обязаны
poverty – бедность
slums – трущобы
co-exist side by side – существуют бок о бок
craft – ремесленных
shopping malls – торговые центры
luxury – роскошные
renowned – славятся


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