суббота, 19 мая 2012 г.

Project "Florence " Chupahina Violetta


Florence is located in central Italy and is the capital city of Tuscany. It is Tuscany's most populous city with over 360,000 inhabitants. The city lies on the River Arno surrounded by gentle hills.  Because of its monuments, churches and palaces, Florence Italy's historical center is a classified as a World Heritage Site.
In Florence you can experience the splendor of the Renaissance and visit some of the most beautiful Italian museums such as the Uffizi Gallery and the Academy Gallery where you can admire David's by Michelangelo, see universally known Florentine landmarks such as Ponte Vecchio, the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore (Duomo) and much more.

Brief history of Florence.
Florence was one of the most important cities in Europe from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance. But Florence's history starts a long time before that. Florence has been inhabited since the 10th century but historians conventionally date its foundation to 59 b.C. as a Roman settlement for retired soldiers with the name Florentia. It was built following the Roman military camp's style along the cardo and decumanus intersecting at the present Piazza della Repubblica.
During the Dark Ages Florence was a minor city in Italy and suffered different Barbaric invasions. It was in the 12th century that Florence started growing and became a Comune, a city state. For the following two centuries the city was fought for by the Guelphs (supporters of the Pope) and the Ghibellines (supporters of the Emperor) who each wished to rule the city.
In 1569 Florence became the capital city of the Grand Duchy of Tuscany and Cosimo I de' Medici was named the Grand Duke of Tuscany by Pope Pius V. The members of the Medici dynasty passed down the title for the next two centuries up until 1737 when Gian Gastone, the last surviving male heir of the Medici clan, died and the Lorraine family took over. The Lorraine family ruled the city and region with great foresight and wisdom until 1860, when Tuscany became part of the Kingdom of Italy. Florence was the temporary capital of Italy for five years from 1865 to 1871. 
During the Second World War, Florence experienced a year long occupation by the Germans and was heavily damaged by bombs. Curiously, as the German retreated from Florence, all of the bridges were blown up except Ponte Vecchio, many claiming it was considered too beautiful to destroy and spared by orders from Hitler himself.

Florence has a borderline humid subtropical (Cfa) and Mediterranean climate (Csa). It has hot, humid summers with moderate rainfall and cool, damp winters. Surrounded by hills in a river valley, Florence can be hot and humid from June to August.

Florence lies in a basin among the Senese Clavey Hills, particularly the hills of Careggi, Fiesole, Settignano, Arcetri, Poggio Imperiale and Bellosguardo (Florence). The Arno river and three other minor rivers flow through it.

Among Florence landmarks the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore (Duomo) with Brunelleschi's magnificient cupola stands out the most. Next to the cathedral stands Giotto's Bell Tower which offers a fine view of the city from its top. In front of both the cathedral and belltower sits the Baptistery of St. John with its beautiful bronze doors including the gold Gates of Heaven by Ghiberti, the original ones are preserved inside the Opera del Duomo Museum located to the back of the cathedral. Heading toward the Arno River and passing through Via dei Calzaioli stands Piazza della Signoria with Palazzo Vecchio, headquarters of Florence's Municipality, the Loggia della Signoria with its sculptures and Neptune's fountain by Ammannati. Linked to Palazzo Vecchio by the Vasari corridor, which runs for about 1 km to Palazzo Pitti, is the magnificent Uffizi Gallery with its incredible collection of paintings
Steps away from the Uffizi stands Ponte Vecchio (Old Bridge), another famous landmark of Florence.

The bridge connects the center to the Oltrarno district that today remains the most Florentine part of the old city center. There stands the Pitti Palace, the Medici's last residence, which hosts many interesting museums such as the Palatine Gallery, the Modern Art Gallery and the Silver Museum and which overlooks the splendid Boboli Gardens. Near Pitti is Santo Spirito  Church with its yellow facade and the wooden crucifix by Michelangelo.

  • Located- расположенный
  • Lies- лежит
  • Gentle- нежный
  • surrounded - окруженный
  • experience- опыт
  • splendor- блеск
  • such- такие
  • admire- любоваться
  • landmarks- достопримечательности
  • inhabited- населенный
  • conventionally- условно
  • settlement- урегулирование
  • retired- отставка
  • soldiers - солдаты
  • cardo- кардо
  • suffered- пострадавший
  • growing- рост
  • rule- править
  • wished- хотел
  • fought -боролся
  • passed- прошло
  • title- название
  • surviving- выжившие
  • temporary- временный
  • foresight- предусмотрительность
  • experienced- опытный
  • damaged- поврежденный
  • heavily- сильно
  • retreated - отступили
  • spared- пощадил
  • considered- считается
  • border- граница
  • damp- влажный
  • Surrounded- окруженный
  • humid -влажный
  • lies- лежит
  • incredibly- невероятно
  • churches - церкви
  • entire- весь
  • landmark- ориентир
  • magnificient -великолепный
  • belltower - колокольня
  • doors- двери
  • Heading- заголовок 
  • Passing- прохождение
  • headquarters - штаб-квартира
  • incredible- невероятный
  • overlooks - вид
  • crucifix- распятие
  • splendid- великолепный

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