вторник, 3 апреля 2012 г.

Проект Дарьи Головань            
                  Blaise Paskаl.
Blaise Paskаl; on June 19 1623, Clermont-Ferrand, France — on August 19 1662, Paris, France) — the French mathematician, the physicist, the writer and the philosopher. Classic of the French literature, one of founders of the mathematical analysis, probability theory and projective geometry, founder of the first samples of calculating equipment, author of the fundamental law of a hydrostatics.
It is difficult to find in the history of mankind other similar example of manifestation of so many talents for short life. The mathematician and the writer, the physicist and the philosopher, the inventor and the religious thinker — such is Blaise Pascal's universal genius.
The father his Etyen was the teacher of mathematics and very educated person, was interested in history and literature, knew languages. It trained in mathematics and Latin the first daughter Zhilberta In the childhood the unique tutor and the teacher of the boy there was a father (mother early died). It is possible to assume that Blaise's extraordinary inquisitiveness in many respects speaks uncommon pedagogical talent of the father and, perhaps, influence of elder sister. Being afraid for health of the painful son, Etyen Pascal didn't hurry to train it geometry, having raised thereby at it a keen interest in this discipline. Small Blaise independently began to find ratios between "sticks" and "rings", making figures and finding out their properties.

 It came to the proof of the Euclidean theorem: the sum of internal corners of a triangle is equal to the sum of two straight lines.Having given this case, the popular writer of a science M. M. Filippov drew a conclusion: «From all great scientists Pascal more somebody has the right to a title prematurely developed and so prematurely lost genius». Though other explanation is possible also: geometrical regularities are rather simple in order that the inquisitive and assidious boy who has not been deprived of ingenuity could guess them.In sixteen years Blaise Pascal investigated conic sections, and in eighteen was fond of the computer invention. He worked three years, having tried fifty options. At last, to it managed to make the mechanical adaptation which was carrying out (though slowly) the elementary mathematical operations — a primitive arithmometer — having deservedly received for this nickname «the French Archimedes».
Acquaintance to one notable mister who has been carried away by gamblings, подвигло Pascal on calculation of probabilities of a prize, in particular when dicing. The new scientific discipline began with it — probability theory which Pascal called «case mathematics».

The physics became other his hobby. Proceeding from opening of Tor-richelli, he decided to check, how atmospheric pressure upon mercury lifting in the soldered tube affects, having organized the corresponding experiences on the plain, mountains, high structures. As a result it approximately defined mass of the atmosphere and stated idea of measurement of height of the district by means of a barometer. Besides, established the law of distribution of pressure in liquid («Pascal's law») and a principle of action of a hydraulic press.
There are legends about why it threw scientific researches, having been engaged in literature and philosophy, mainly religious. However it is necessary to mean that from adolescence he was tormented by strong attacks of a headache from which there was no disposal (they were caused, apparently, by anomaly of a cranium and inflammatory processes in a brain). In general, its morbidity partly — or even it is essential — promoted lonely occupations by a science. Pains became intolerable, and he began to look for calms and consolations in religions. It was helped by prayers — one of effective methods of auto-suggestion.
       At Blaise Pascal the culture of logic thinking in many respects thanks to interest to mathematics was early developed. But for further discoveries, for example in the physics, one it was insufficiently Besides reasonings, carrying out experiences, supervision, a shtudirovaniye of the corresponding literature was required. It approached to a limit of the possibilities. And therefore, perhaps, addressed to religion, philosophy, literature. Its first composition «A reasoning about love grow» (1652) it was executed optimism and an epikureystvo. It is indicative that he tries to argue on passion logically. And the treatise reason — love for the sister of the governor of the province Sharlota Roanez. Most likely, it was a peculiar declaration of love. He confessed that has such a feeling, though tries not to give out it:« It is possible to disappear some any person loves». But too delicate hints and shy recognitions didn't achieve the object, and elderly already Blaise decided to refuse «wordly vanity».
Having lodged in abbey of Por-Royal, he wrote «Letters of the provincial», directed against Jesuits — one of the best French satirical works of the XVIII century. He conceived capital work «Apologia of Christian religion», but was in time (or could?) to write only separate fragments. The same treats his separate statements about life, God, the person, the knowledge, published thanks to diligence of friends and native in 1670 under the "Thought" title.

He sharply felt infinite loneliness of the person before an inevitable chasm of a non-existence and infinite a little — before incomprehensible complexity of the Universe: «I don't know, who made room for me in this world, that such I. I am in terrible ignorance only. I see space of the Universe embracing me, itself is chained to a small corner of this immense extent, without knowing... why small time given to me is appointed to me in this, instead of during other moment as all previous and all subsequent eternity».
But, despite all this, «the person is great, understanding the low condition. The tree doesn't understand itself pity. Therefore, bedstvo-
вать — means to understand the distress, but this consciousness — a greatness sign». Calling the person by a conceiving reed, Pascal adds that enough malost to ruin it. «But if the Universe destroyed it, the person nevertheless remained more worthy, than that kills him for he knows that dies, whereas about advantage which over it the Universe has, she knows nothing»
The conclusion is as follows: «All our advantage consists in thought. Here than we should tower, instead of space and time which us all the same not to fill. Let's well try to think here of the moral beginning»Limitation of our knowledge it deduced from dual material and spiritual essence of the person We too teledreams to behold and understand spiritual substances, and we can not comprehend a matter for are allocated with spirituality. «All not dostizhimy for the person how the body can incorporate to spirit». And one more restriction for nature knowledge: «All parts of the world are in such relation of coupling among themselves that is impossible... to recognize one without another and without whole».
It would be necessary to consider Pascal's ideas of the world and the person executed hopeless pessimism if not one circumstance Blaise Pascal was deeply believing person. On his belief, God is comprehended not by mind, and heart. «The infinite chasm can be filled only with something infinite and invariable, that is God»
  At all depth of the enlightenments the philosopher involuntarily paid time tribute, using logic of the prudent dealer. He argued on advantages of theism and atheism and came to a conclusion, more favorable what to believe in God than to deny its life: after all if God isn't present, it is unimportant, what do you think of this image but if It is, the non-believer obviously loses.
The pascal didn't aspire create complete philosophical system of its formulation They can to be considered as works of art of an aphoristic genre are calculated on each inquisitive reader, acquainting him with a treasury of knowledge and ideas, awakening love to wisdom
Being surprised and admiring Pascal's universal genius, it is necessary to remember that it was shown in the form of separate bright, separate flashes of creativity — that in one, in other area of knowledge the Characteristic example — his "Thoughts". They show the Pascal's magnificent skill, able to express briefly, exactly and colourfully. Though certainly other his thoughts cause desire to argue. For example - «All human race during the whole centuries should consider as the same person who always exists and continuously learns».

The first part of an aphorism if is true, partly: the mankind is uniform at sharp heterogeneity of its parts (therefore there are wars); it is an organism very peculiar, and hardly reminding the person. And to that this organism learns? Here in what a question! Creates more and more mighty, various, sophisticated equipment? Yes. Accumulates scientific knowledge? Certainly. But how uses both that and another? With what purposes and results? And why errors of one generations repeat, and even aggravate the subsequent?
Whether people for the benefit to themselves and the terrestrial nature, for completeness of happiness, in the life learned to use those invaluable treasures which left it geniuses of all times and the people?! Here is over what to reflect seriously and for a long time. It is necessary to thank Pascal for the put interesting problem — the ability peculiar to geniuses.
Monument to Pascal on Saint-Jacques's tower in Paris.

Дарование- talent
Латынь- Latin
 Универсальный- universal, multiple-purpose
любознательность- inquisitiveness
незаурядный- uncommon
талантом- talent, gifted person
дисциплина- discipline
самостоятельно- independently
соотношение- parity
доказательство- proof
любознательный- inquisitive
вычислительная  машина- computer
механическое приспособление- mechanical adaptation
теория вероятностей- probability  theory
атмосферное давление- atmospheric pressure
барометр- barometer
религии- religion
 логическое мышление- logic  thinking
познание- knowledge
духовность- spirituality
верующий человек- the believing person

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-   tIoifUFpoI&feature=relmfu

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